Small Groups

Life happens in community, and for One Community Church, that happens in Small Groups! These small group Bible studies happen throughout the week, and are the perfect place to find both community and discipleship.

Missional Community

An influential community centered around the work of Jesus.

Feb. 7th | Community Meal

Feb. 21st | Sandwich Packing

March 6th | Prayer & Worship

March 20th | Family Outreach Prep

April 3rd | DSNY Thank You Packing

April 17th | Sandwich Packing

May 1st | Litter Legion Pickup

May 15th | Community Meal

Influential People

God has uniquely called and gifted you to make a difference in this world! He doesn't want you to "sit on the sidelines" and merely watch others as they seek to use their gifts for real change. He earnestly wants you to get involved and be an essential part of the answer this world desperately needs. A "Missional Community" provides an incredible opportunity to be in community with other influential people who care for one another, encourage one another, and help one another make a difference. "Missional Community" is not just something that One Community Church is about; it is a defining piece of who we are as a church. We are a church of influential people committed to the good of others!

Missionary in Nature

 Our God is a sending and sent God, and we are His sending and sent people. If we desire to live out God's unique call on our lives faithfully, we must understand and recognize that God and His church are intrinsically missionary in nature. Who the church is and what the church does is derived from the very essence of a sending, missionary God, who compels us to live as a sent, missionary people. With this in mind, we then discover it is not about our mission, but instead, it is about being called to join God in His! This work is what we mean by the term "missional."

Centered Around Jesus

Our lives and our calling to the mission of God do not make sense without Jesus. He makes a way for us to live how God intended and also provides a model for us to follow. A "Missional Community" is committed to centering itself around Jesus. This process doesn't mean to become religious or look "churchy." Honestly, Jesus himself didn't make much of religion. Instead, He came for love, for the poor, to proclaim the Good News, and to set the oppressed free. Does this sound like someone worth following and modeling? We believe it is! We also know when life is lived with Jesus at the center, everything else begins to fall into place.